Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My first solid food

Who said rice cereal isn"t good?

Lots and lots of donuts!

Only my big cousins got to eat them.
Can't wait till I have teeth

Mr. Talker

Daddy and Me

Watching the Super Bowl with my Dad. We were
stoked that the Giants won! Go Giants!
Just chillin with my cousins!
I love my cousin Gwen! She is the coolest!

Having a blast in his cool play station!

Thanks uncle Ben, Aunt Sara and my cousins! I love playing in my awesome play station!

Four months old already! 14 lbs 10 oz; 24 ¾ "

He is waiting for his shots! As much as it hurt
he was all smiles in just minutes!
Even Braden's doctor and nurse were pleasantly
surprised at how well he handled everything.